Monday, January 4, 2016


     I think what people believe are ghosts or supernatural sightings are actually tricks of our own mind to explain anything that has no discernible cause.  In my own experience, I once heard a front door open and footsteps sounded going past where I had been sleeping.  Nothing was there and I was alone in the house.  Did I hear a ghost, a disembodied spirit, or some other unknown sound that my brain interpreted as a known sound; a door opening and footsteps?  I will never know.
     I don't think that when we die, we go wandering around in what seems like us in a dream and somehow are able to re-enter the natural world to contact anyone or influence some natural event.  I do believe we are transformed into some entity that can exist in another dimension while it waits to move on or be reborn into the present natural world.
     I certainly don't believe I will stand like a prisoner in the dock and be called to account for anything that might have displeased a heavenly judge.  If virtues don't outweigh transgression, I will be sentenced to everlasting punishment.  It's kind of satisfying to imagine evil people getting what they deserve.  Unfortunately, that's not going to happen according to what I believe.  It's why we make laws and try to punish prople while we can get our hands on them.  We, deep down, think the heavenly powers might screw up so we get them while we can.
     In short, ghosts and spirits are figments of our imagination, no matter how real and solid they appear to be or how much proof is proffered in defense of their existence.

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