Tuesday, January 5, 2016


          All civil contracts are not marriages but all marriages are civil contracts.  Over the years, strange customs have evolved concerning marriage rituals and forms.  In early America, usually lacking a judge, minister or registrar, jumping the broom was accepted as a legal marriage.  This involved the bride and groom grasping opposite ends of a broom and jumping over it to be legally married.  In early New England, they practiced shift law.  If the bride was naked or clad only in transparent under wear, the new groom couldn't be held responsible for her debts or if a widow, her dead husbands debts; kind of a rudimentary consumer protection law.  In present day Texas, if someone introduces another person as their mate and if the other person does not object,  they have formed a common law marriage and henceforth can file joint tax returns and enjoy any benefits accruing to marriage partners.
     Strangely enough, marriages arranged by parents or marriage brokers make for lasting bonds. Those marriages based on capricious love end in divorce 50% of the time and 60% when they try it again with a different partner.   On the other hand, arranged marriage success reaches well over 90%.
     I have been married 4 times with my present contract lasting for over 30 years.  I think that the worst scenario and bar to success is sleeping in the same bed together.  People snore, snort and make all manner of disgusting sounds and strange habits while in bed asleep or half awake.  All kind of destroy the mystique around one's partner.  Separate bedrooms are the way to go.  Both are happy and guilt free and will more willingly make the trek across the hall a little more often.  And enjoy it more.

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