Monday, January 11, 2016

Union State

     Tomorrow night, Obama will make his last State of the Union address to Congress and the Nation.  I pulled up and re-read his first such annual speech in 2009,  In it, he talked about the steps he was taking to dissect and correct the Bush/Cheney/Bevis/Butthead debacle and mess he inherited.  He cited the success of the auto industry bailout and the job creation of the stimulus program.  He never mentioned the opposition from Republicans that were determined to ensure that everything he did would fail.  In spite of their best efforts, Obama managed to achieve one glaring success after another.  A testament to his strength, intelligence, perseverance and ability to get things done.
     In the intervening seven years, he did what practically every president since Franklin Roosevelt has tried and failed,  he revolutionized national healthcare.  That ranks in importance with Social Security and Medicare.  Obama's place in history is secure as one of our best and greatest leaders.
     I believe he is too much of a man to mention tomorrow night the achievements he could have attained if the republicans and conservatives had worked for America with him instead of against him and this country.  They think of themselves as patriots; I think of them as idiots and shout "Raca" to them. 


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