Sunday, January 3, 2016


     Farmland?  We're running out of it.  When my forebears came to Texas in the late 1800's there was a plethora of arable land for the taking.  All they had to do was drive 4 stakes into the ground and anything inside that perimeter up to 640 acres became his farm.  Each of these early settlers paced off a square mile and claimed it.  What started out as free land now is worth in excess of a million dollars.  To farm this land, all one needed was a plow and an ox or mule to pull it.  Now, it takes nearly a half million in equipment to raise a decent crop of anything.  A majority of these family farms no longer exist having been absorbed into agri-businesses farming extraordinary acreages. Super farms as it were.  As the population of the world increases, food production must keep pace or too many people will die of malnutrition and starvation. Wars will be fought to gain more  land to grow turnips and cabbage.
     This quest for more land has decimated the massive rain forests of the Amazon River.  You would think it's just a bunch of trees that were cut down.  Unfortunately, that bunch of trees supplies over 20% of the world's oxygen supply. 

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