Monday, August 1, 2016


     I finally realized something about the 2016 presidential race.  It's a huge hoax that the Clinton campaign along with the media is playing on American voters.  The same sham with different aims.
The big lie is that Donald Trump has a huge group of supporters behind him.  The big truth is that his
support is mythical and exists mainly in his deranged mind.

     It believe Hillary is really ahead by 25 or 30 points.  They are afraid, rightfully so, that such a huge lead would suppress voting.  Staying home because their votes are not needed for victory.  People are lazy like that.  Madison Avenue knows this and so does the media and the pollsters.  My only question is what was promised the ad men and the polls in return for their cooperation.  It had to be substantial.

     The media has a vested interest in going along with anything that suggests a close race else what would they write about on a daily basis.  Daily inane Trump quotes can't be recycled endlessly without losing audience.  Steve Allen on the old Tonight show said people would rather watch a dog fart the National Anthem over another political speech.

     Don't worry about a landslide.  The media would rather a mudslide burying people.   They will do everything in their power to cause just that. 

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