Monday, August 15, 2016


       One of quiet desperation as Thoreau said of most men's lives. Some think he meant that men and women  too often dream in their youth of what they will do and accomplish in their life. Then for one reason or another those dreams and hopes fall by the wayside. A great number of people hate the work that fate chose for them. But they stay trapped there out of responsibility for a family and economic necessity.

     It's true that some do achieve their dreams but the vast majority of us think we don't have the time or means to become the great artist, painter, writer, singer or athlete whose potential lies within ourselves. Just remember that nothing in this life is forever. Circumstances can change gradually or in a heartbeat. Your children grow up. Your spouses ardor cools with age and familiarity and they might leave or become your best friend still standing by you.

     Now is not the time for complacency. Now is the time to look for that job you think you would enjoy going to every day. Take a cut in pay if necessary. It's worth it. You will survive. I lost a job I grew to hate after twenty seven years. Consequently we lost our house. There were no savings since I spent every penny raising and educating seven children of my own. Even now my youngest is starting his fourth and last year of college. So for two years we lived in a tent in the woods because neither of us would abandon a dog we both loved. We are still together although living apart for various reasons. But we both survived is my point.

     You can read about how very many people achieved their goals late in like Grandma Moses or Colonel Sanders. In college I wanted very much to be a writer. Now at seventy eight I write and publish every day. I want people to read but if they don't I will continue writing because it gives me great pleasure and satisfaction. My son is studying journalism and is already a staff writer for a print newspaper as well as on internet sites. I'm so glad he found his passion early and not like me after over seventy years.

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